Ripple Effect, The

Not all submissions will be reviewed. We’re not a review site, we’re a music-loving site. Don’t bitch at us if we don’t review your album. Please be professional. It means it didn’t strike our hearts. Send professionally completed, produced, finished products or exceptional demos. We love vinyl, so feel free to send it in. Full albums, EPs or singles, it’s all good. We place emphasis on the submissions that demonstrate a significant effort and quality. In order, we will always review vinyl first, then CD, then digital submissions. D.I.Y. efforts are always appreciated and taken seriously here at the Ripple. Under no circumstances will we ever review a streaming audio file. We need finished, portable product. Do not ask us to review from a stream or YouTube video. It won’t happen. Write us when you submit, introduce yourself and tell us a bit about you. People we like tend to get their CDs placed on the top of the stack. The Ripple Effect is growing exponentially with over 3,000,000 readers. We’re listed as one of the top 10 Music Sites in the world, ranked as one of the Top 5 music sites by GuitarWorld Magazine, and the number one ranked music site by Jemsite, home of Ibanez Guitars! When we get behind a band, we get behind them 100% and cross-reference the reviews like crazy in many different forums to help spread the word. Our posts are syndicated across the web on such major sites as Guitar World, USA Today, en Blog and the MOG Network. Getting reviewed in with us nearly guarantees your music to be played on the vastly popular Ripple Radio Show, one of the featured music shows at Blogtalkradio. We don’t wish to discourage you, but we all need to understand the limitations of what we can do. If you’d like to send us your music, drop us an e-mail first. Tell us a little about your musical style so we can assign the best reviewer for you. @RippleMusic

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