Marisa Nya

I really, REALLY love touhou music. In fact, I love it so much that I want to share it with people, but first I try my best to ask for permission before doing so. Almost none of the music on this channel is my own, so please consider supporting the artists I upload from and buying their albums. I know it’s hard to buy CDs internationally, but it IS possible, and it’s really important for the fandom’s health. The genres of music I wish to stick around are orchestral, folk, rock, and metal music with a little less than half of it being vocal music too. (I don’t really like electronic music) I also primarily aim to upload music from circles not frequently uploaded, or for that matter never uploaded at all, so that people get exposed to the 100s of circles that nobody ever seems to know about outside of Japan. There are just so many hidden gems from artists that NEED to be more popular.

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