Echoes And Dust Metal Reviews

Dedicated to the exploration of music across genres, across styles & across barriers. Since 2008, our dedicated team of pathfinders, pilgrims & adventurers have been bringing you their unique take on music. For submissions, send us an e-mail with the band name, whether it’s an album or ep and the release date in the subject. In the body keep it short & sweet but make sure you tell us something about what you sound like and links to your Facebook and Bandcamp or Soundcloud if you’ve got them. If you’re not on Bandcamp or Soundcloud then you’re doing it wrong, frankly. Any artwork or press shots are always useful as well. We really do prefer digital submissions these days, they take up less room, but if you really want to send us something physical then please contact us for the mailing address. Please DO NOT submit through our Facebook page. If your band is of the more Metal / Doom / Sludge persuasion then drop me a line. @echoesanddust @SVDD76

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