Genre: Instrumental

Favoriten Playlist

A playlist of some of our favorite beats! Visit our Music Submission Page to submit your music.

Village Live

Independent record label releasing vinyl and cassettes. Please visit our Music Submission Page to submit your music to us.


Launched as a music, culture and arts platform. Our channel serves to continually shine a light on progressive and forward thinking music, spanning hip-hop, soul, trap, r’n’b, lo-fi and future beats. To submit your music to us, please visit our Music Submission Page.

Future Beats Playlist

A playlist that serves to continually shine a light on progressive and forward thinking music, spanning hip- hop, soul, trap, r’n’b, lo-fi and future beats. To submit your music to us, please visit our Music Submission Page.

Brazuka Music

Truly Brazilian independent stamp. Since our launch, house and strands only with Brazilian producers. Submissions can be sent to our e-mail.

No Copyright Músicas

Channel dedicated to providing copyright free music and promoting good and unknown artists. All songs on this channel can be reused by any YouTube or Twitch user on you monetized video.


Don’t listen to your brain and follow your dreams.


A music channel seeking to find and acknowledge some of the best electronic beats out there. We seek the best music for our fans to enjoy and fall in love more and more for our work and to promote the incredible work of each producer! Submissions can be sent to our e-mail.