Casablanca Sunset

Casablanca Sunset began in the fall of 2013. Designed to channel quality music to people around the world, we are a fully focused group of music enthusiasts helping others discover, inspire & inform. The blog started for fun and is based around the love of music. In February of 2014 we were added the Hype Machine music algorithm and currently have five contributing authors. We tend to post independent rock, hip-hop and electronic dance music that you will not find on most radio and broadcast media formats. We strive to publish quality over quantity. In order to have a voice in the music community you need to have an original approach and a commitment to publishing quality content. We understand this and we follow these ideals with the hopes of continuing to develop a sustainable and reliable music discovery source.We support independent artists and are consistently blown away at the quality of independent music we receive in our inbox every single day. We do our best to listen to everything submitted, but sometimes music falls through the cracks. If you think your music fits our general demographic then feel free to send us your stuff. Submit your music to It is preferred that you submit a youtube link of your audio, as well as a Soundcloud link should we decide to post the track. We also prefer that you send a press photo for each submission with a width of at least 750 pixels. We do our best to listen to everything, but unfortunately can not post it all. Do not get discouraged if you do not make the site

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